Day 3 of the Oprah/Deepak 21-Day Meditation Series was entitled “Confident Me”. A lot goes through the mind when thinking about confidence in ourselves, but what about having confidence in the idea of being in alignment with the forces of the Universe? Certainly, if you are in alignment with the Universe, things must be going well in the sense of being in the flow of your endeavors. This alignment changes from time to time for more reasons that this blog post will allow. There are many things in life that work perfectly, seemingly effortlessly and in alignment all the time; like the sunrise and the sunset, the animal kingdom is provided with adequate food with assistance from humans, bees pollenating flowers, the change of the seasons………spring, summer, autumn, and winter; the ebb and flow of the tides in the ocean, opening and closing our eyes, beating of the heart.
So you might wonder why it seems things don’t work in an “effortless” fashion most of the time, for human beings. It is because we have choice, which can cause us to experiment, maybe even improvise along the path to our destiny. We are heavily influenced by chatter and the actions or lack of action by others. We have choice in focusing our attention on our intentions. As Eleanor Roosevelt stated “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. We should believe in the beauty of our dreams and spend less time stressing about how difficult it might be.