Grace is generally thought of as getting a freebie even though you did not deserve it.  A  pardon, “get out of jail free card”.  There is so much more to this concept; more than this post would allow.

Grace is there even though someone may not be deserving.  It’s like the rain,  Grace falls evenly on all of us;  that is,  the opportunity to be the recipient of grace falls evenly on us.    Grace is rooted in gratitude. You can activate /manifest more grace by being grateful for the things in your life. Grateful for everything, the pen on the table that enables you to write, the money in your wallet that allows you to buy groceries for the nourishment of your body. Grateful for eyesight, the ability to walk, to be able to gaze upon beautiful trees and flowers. Grateful for the sun that lights and heats the earth and warms our cheek.

You get the picture, but how many of us take time to be grateful for what we have; friends, family, being able to take a breath of fresh air; a roof over our head. Like many other things in life, practice makes perfect.  If we practice being grateful about our life every day, it will help manifest more grace.  The opposite of grace includes, disfavor, indifference, no mercy, unkindness and ever hatred, so it pays to be cordial to yourself and others.

When grace happens, you will feel thankful, humbled. A parking space suddenly comes available, a refund check arrives in the mail, the price goes down on your favorite snack. You have experienced it before, maybe even now. It is comforting to know you can have more grace in your life as you choose to. and the little things really do count.

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