A coincidence is defined as a sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged. These moments in time cause us to take pause and wonder: lucky me, it is just life, was it a wink from God, a Universal law in action or happenstance?
We have a tendency to question the sequence of events, because often times what we think about does not occur but sometimes what we think about does occur, an it can occurr almost immediately. You can be thinking of someone and suddenly they appear in person or call you on the phone, you hear something related to the thought on TV or the radio……the still silent voice inside of us all says make a left turn, not a right turn. I recently thought about certain items during the night. In the morning, a picked up the Science of Mind Guide for Spiritual Living magazine. I randomedly opened the book and looked at what was on the page. You guessed it, the page contained a solution to the things I had been thinking about during the night. It turns out the issue of the magazine I picked up was not even from the current month, it just happened to be on a desk.
The bigger or more heartfelt the idea is for you, the more attention you pay to the coincidence. We can venture to say coincidences are in the same realm as intution, deja vu, dreams, manifestations, happenstance, and can we add the hand of God at work in our lives.