Inspirational You

The Centering Thought for Day 17 of the Oprah/Deepak 21-Day Meditation Series,,  was “I embrace the teacher within”.  The teacher within is all about inspiration.  We experience inspiration about things that suddenly capture our attention, from people, our personal self-discoveries.  Deepak mentions there are teachers in disguise, synchronistic moments, and ultimately, the blessings in disguise.

The message of the day for this topic was so nurturing and supportive.  Oprah opens the door for us to ponder about on what uplifts us, the feeling we have when gaining insight on a topic, and what transforms us.  The idea that each of us has the power to inspire others within us, to become teachers about life experiences that we can share with others; little by little this is how we change the World.

The quote for the day was, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. – Albert Einstein”.  As we share our stories with one another it supports expansion of ideas that work.  Oprah fortifies this message with the Buddhist proverb “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”  Most of us can recall a situation where you may have exhausted your research for the solution to a problem.  Just as you are about to give up, suddenly the solution presents itself in some way, effortlessly almost like magic. Right then and there the “teacher” is present and it is up to us to acknowledge that.  You may have had a literal experience where you tried to solve a problem, then you decided to hire someone who knows more about it than you do, a coach or a teacher.

The Daily Guide inside Science of Mind Magazine for August 2, 2017, Day 17 of the meditation series,  features Rev. Ron Fox who states in the last paragraph; “There are only so many tomorrows. No one can live our life for us.  Each of us must make the choice to open ourselves to that still small voice and allow spirit to express through us.  To do anything less is to dishonor the gift of life we have been given.”Meditation is a way we can gain more access to the still small voice that acts like a compass along the path to our destiny.