
         A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities.  An optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.  –  Winston Churchill

You could go a step further and say, a pessimist is one who is unconscious about all the abundance surrounding them, while the optimist is aware and grateful for all the abundance surrounding them.

The centering thought for Day 5 of the 21-Day Meditation series was “I choose Abundance”.

Making this choice evokes Universal Power, we are born with free will at our essense and the power to choose abundance.  So what is abundance?  All that we are grateful for, all of the love in the World and as Epicurus put it “it is not what we have, but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance”.   We are most abundant when it comes to things we are passionate about.  As the meditation teaches, we are often taught not to seek the thing we are passionate about.  Others are content in telling you “you can’t do that”, “you will never make money doing that”, or “you don’t have what it takes”.

Part of the confusion about following a passion is uncertainty if the thing we enjoy will be the thing that can sustain us financially.  Sometimes people arbitrarily adopt someone else’s dream or passion, and not their own (not be confused with mentoring).   This amounts to choosing a passion instead of the passion choosing us….this is how you know it is a real passion.  The passion chooses you, calls you with the still silent voice inside and you listen and can’t resist it.   Then you start dreaming more and more, then you start demonstrating it with ease, with no thought of return, you start sharing it, talking about, planning about;  just pure unbridled passion.  Being in alignment with your true passions is a gift and everything about the journey to realize your passions is a gift.