
Conscious means having an awareness of one’s own existence, sensations and thoughts and of one’s environment, capable of thought and or concern, will, or perception. Consciousness includes; the state or condition of being conscious, the essence or totality of attitudes, opinions and sensitivities held or thought to be held by an individual or a group.

Looking around the environment today, you can see massive unconsciousness, a kind of unwillingness to not face reality……………a reluctance to look at what is right in front of us, literally in some cases.  You guessed it, the obsession with smartphone phones or other electronic devices has taken our attention away, rendering the user unconscious about their immediate surroundings.

What has really happened is that some people have allowed the smartphone to dominate and dictate their lives.  Some people treat their smartphone like an appendage, like their arm or leg.  You have seen media clips of people falling into holes, falling into water fountains, walking into doors, because they are not looking at where they going, they are looking at their smartphone.  Studies have been done to show that smartphones and the apps that accompany them,  are designed to satisfy the need for instance gratification and validation in an artificial way while missing out on all the real beauty and abundance around them.

The centering thought for day 4 of the Oprah/Deepak 21-day meditation series was “Abundance surrounds me.”  Deepak goes on to state “separation pulls us away from the flow of the Universe”.  To achieve greater peace and harmony in our lives, we must decrease the disconnection from reality and increase the connection to the beauty and abundance all around us and in us.  The habit of disconnection can be replaced with appreciation and gratitude which also helps in getting back into alignment with the flow of the Universe.  Visit for more information regarding the meditation series.