Most of us have probably heard or read the Bible verse from Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision the people perish, but he that keepth the law, happy is he”. We most often hear the first have of the proverb, the second half is equally important and is Universal Law. Like many other verses in the Bible, the second half has multiple meanings, but the message most likely is referring to the “law of the land”.
With regard to vision, it is Universal Law for human beings to seek and cultivate their destiny so they can be happy with their lives and therefore better able to serve others. Trusting in the still small voice within and trusting our intuition are sign posts along the path that turns our vision into reality. Our vision for our lives is not static, it evolves over time.
There is really no point to have a vision if it is not shared with others. With the focus on our intention, sharing activates the vision and as a result we receive support. Rev. Michael Beckwith says “Pain pushes until the vision pulls”. Someone said “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” When we are committed to our vision, we become unstoppable and we are willing to get through the pain until the vision suddenly takes over and pulls us along. The pulling of the vision could be compared to those “Universe-rising-up- to-meet-you-moments”. As the vision pulls us and starts to manifest in different ways, we become even more motivated to sharing our gift. The Centering Thought for Day 20 of the current 21-Day Meditation* experience was “The World is waiting for my vision”. We must hold on to our dreams that support our vision and always remember those moments when you were ready to give up, then the solution suddenly appeared.